

How to connect to Alexa ?

How to connect to Google Home?

How to connect to Google Assistant?

Why does the sensor indicator light keep changing for 3 seconds after every power-on?

The default level of our machine is AUTO mode. and the sensor will detect automatically for 3 seconds.

Why is the sensor indicator light not on in sleep mode?

Because in sleeping mode, all the light is off.

When do we need to change the filter?

When the -filter icon on the control filter panel lights up.

How often do we need to change the filter?

About 3 months.

What level of air quality does the color of the indicator light represent?

Green means good, yellow means general and red means very poor.

Why did I set up an appointment of work, but it does not carry out.

Check if timed work is set up or not. and when a timed work is encountered in an appointment work, the priority is given to timed work and the current appointment is canceled by default.

Why is the noise of AUTO mode not inconsistent

Because the automatic mode will automatically select the mode according to the environment. the noise of the auto mode can be big or small.

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